Saturday, January 2, 2010

New York City Corrections What Other Career Choices Do I Have While I'm Still In School?

What other career choices do I have while I'm still in school? - new york city corrections

Ok, so I live in New York and I work in security. This is the most boring job I ever had. They stand or sit, and nothing for a few hours. I am a college of criminal justice at John Jay and the future I would like corrections in the work or as a detective. My question is: What can I do for work while I'm in college? I want something that relates to any kind of legal / enforcement / advice or something about my specialty. Working in the hearing or as a waitress, for example, is not really me always in the experience, if you know what I mean. I just want something that is not as boring as security. Any idea, please give me the file. Thank you in advance.


JY said...

It can be difficult to have completed their degree or certificate, the employment in these areas receive. However, there are many jobs that begin and end to paid internships can. Your school may offer internships or volunteer?

Boys and Girls Club, Samaratins, shelters for the homeless have always needed people. Some positions are paid, the other volunteers. All offer a unique experience that fits their professional future. You can as a dispatcher for an ambulance, fire brigade or police station, but am not sure to qualify. It is worth asking ourselves if!

Good luck

JY said...

It can be difficult to have completed their degree or certificate, the employment in these areas receive. However, there are many jobs that begin and end to paid internships can. Your school may offer internships or volunteer?

Boys and Girls Club, Samaratins, shelters for the homeless have always needed people. Some positions are paid, the other volunteers. All offer a unique experience that fits their professional future. You can as a dispatcher for an ambulance, fire brigade or police station, but am not sure to qualify. It is worth asking ourselves if!

Good luck

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