Friday, February 19, 2010

Ontario License Plates Personalized Availability How Do I Get A Personalized License Plate?

How do I get a personalized license plate? - ontario license plates personalized availability

I live in Ontario, Canada, and I looked online, but the only information I get is a chart of the government website I have on my plate. I'm not interested, but the choice of words and letters that you can use. I get a car next year, and I want to buy my pre-existing plaques. Thank you!


808 said...

Go to your local DMV office and make personalized plates, you can also pre-order, or before you buy it ..

stush30@... said...

Contact your State Office, DMV, or request to the agency that issues such as standard labels.

Jon said...

At CIBC, if you are in Ontario

UCANTCME said...

CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DMV can answer your questions and AT THE SAME TIME, you get the right answer to your question.

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